Residential Surveys

Operating from our centrally located UK office in York, Hull and Harrogate, we are able to provide our services not just predominantly in Yorkshire but nationwide.

Do you require a Residential Survey?

Residential Survey Quotation Form


Superstructure Surveys

This is our most popular survey.

A detailed survey carried out on all types of property of all ages.

  1. Provides an intermediate report for properties where a full building survey is considered to be inappropriate.
  2. The survey is still a comprehensive survey but with the main focus on the structural elements of the property.
  3. No reference is made to internal finishes, joinery, services, furnishings or fittings.
  4. Outbuildings are not covered within this survey.


View our Superstructure Surveys page

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LHL Building Surveys

A detailed survey carried out on all types of property of all ages.

  1. The surveyor will conduct a visual inspection of the building fabric (subject to access)                        
  2. Information provided on services, finishes and fittings as well as the structure.
  3. Guidance notes for rectification of defects identified and future maintenance recommendations are included.
  4. The survey will be presented in appropriate form as a building or structural survey report.
  5. Outbuildings are covered within this survey. 


View our LHL Building Surveys page

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RICS Level 2 Home Survey

This Survey includes all the features of the RICS Home Survey Level 1 and more extensive roof space and drainage chamber inspection.

It includes advice on defects that may affect the property and what maintenance or repairs may be required.

Choose an RICS Level 2 Home Survey if you would like more extensive information while buying or selling a conventional house, flat or bungalow, built from common building materials and in reasonable condition.


View our RICS Level 2 Home Survey page

Pre-Purchase Appraisal (PPA)

A PPA is a limited format appraisal of a property. The property will be inspected by a surveyor and a visual walk through of internal and external accessible areas undertaken.

A report will be prepared giving a general overview of the property only.

These sorts of appraisals are generally only suitable for experienced property purchasers and developers who understand the full property purchase experience and simply want a surveyor’s general appraisal of a property. We would not recommend a PPA for general members of the public buying a new home.

Let's Talk

Single Defect Inspections (Structural Report)

This type of report is designed to look at a specific issue with a property. 

This could be something such as a leaking roof, internal or external cracking. 

These reports are often required following a mortgage valuation or less through report. They are also suitable for property owners seeking advise about there own home.

Let's Talk

Structural Reports for System Built Properties

Our Structural Reports for System Built Properties include inspection of concealed 'non-standard', post WWII construction including:
  • Steel framed houses such as BISF (British Iron & Steel Federation) and Dennis Wilde houses
  • Prefabricated concrete framed houses such as Airey Houses
  • Prefabricated timber framed houses.

We will coordinate the opening up and making good works to facilitate our inspections to satisfy any agency and lending requirements.


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Reinstatement Cost Assessment (RCA)

LHL are able to undertake cost assessment reports for insurance purposes.

The surveyor will take relevant measurements of the property and inspect matters such as the method of construction. This enables a cost estimate to be produced.

The cost estimate gives the insurers a sum to which the property should be insured for fire insurance purposes.

This type of assessment can be undertaken as an independent exercise or added to any of our residential survey formats.

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LHL are able to offer a Valuation service for residential properties only.

The Valuation will be undertaken by a RICS Registered Valuer in accordance with RICS Red Book – Global Standards Effective from 31 January 2022

“The market value is defined as the estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s length transaction, after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion.”

Valuations can be undertaken independently, or as part of one of our residential surveys.

Let's Talk

Pre-Purchase Appraisal (PPA)

A PPA is a limited format appraisal of a property. The property will be inspected by a surveyor and a visual walk through of internal and external accessible areas undertaken.

A report will be prepared giving a general overview of the property only.

These sorts of appraisals are generally only suitable for experienced property purchasers and developers who understand the full property purchase experience and simply want a surveyor’s general appraisal of a property. We would not recommend a PPA for general members of the public buying a new home.

Let's Talk

Single Defect Inspections (Structural Report)

This type of report is designed to look at a specific issue with a property. 

This could be something such as a leaking roof, internal or external cracking. 

These reports are often required following a mortgage valuation or less through report. They are also suitable for property owners seeking advise about there own home.

Let's Talk

Structural Reports for System Built Properties

Our Structural Reports for System Built Properties include inspection of concealed 'non-standard', post WWII construction including:
  • Steel framed houses such as BISF (British Iron & Steel Federation) and Dennis Wilde houses
  • Prefabricated concrete framed houses such as Airey Houses
  • Prefabricated timber framed houses.

We will coordinate the opening up and making good works to facilitate our inspections to satisfy any agency and lending requirements.


Let's Talk

Reinstatement Cost Assessment (RCA)

LHL are able to undertake cost assessment reports for insurance purposes.

The surveyor will take relevant measurements of the property and inspect matters such as the method of construction. This enables a cost estimate to be produced.

The cost estimate gives the insurers a sum to which the property should be insured for fire insurance purposes.

This type of assessment can be undertaken as an independent exercise or added to any of our residential survey formats.

Let's Talk


LHL are able to offer a Valuation service for residential properties only.

The Valuation will be undertaken by a RICS Registered Valuer in accordance with RICS Red Book – Global Standards Effective from 31 January 2022

“The market value is defined as the estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s length transaction, after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion.”

Valuations can be undertaken independently, or as part of one of our residential surveys.

Let's Talk

Do you know which Residential Survey you require?

Below is a Survey Comparison Table which highlights the areas of the property the Building Surveyor will inspect for each survey.

Key:   BS - Building Survey   /   SU - Superstructure Survey   /   HNV - RICS Level 2 Home Survey

Survey Type Comparison BS SU HNV
Chimneys img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
Flashings img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
The Pitched Roofs (as viewed from the outside) img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
Flat Roofs - External img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
Valley Gutters, Box Gutters, Parapet Gutter, Parapets img-original-415 img-original-415
Gutters, Downpipes where visible and Gullies img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
Limitations of our Roof Inspections img-original-415 img-original-415
Main Outside Walls img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
The Damp Proof Course and Sub Floor Ventilation img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
Settlement, Structural Movement and Deflection img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
Mining img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
External Joinery, including Outside Doors img-original-415 img-original-415
Exterior Decoration and Paintwork img-original-415 img-original-415
Ceilings img-original-415 img-original-415
Walls and Partitions img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
Dry Lining img-original-415 img-original-415
Rising Dampness img-original-415 img-original-415
Penetrating Dampness/Leaks from Defective Pipework Fittings img-original-415 img-original-415
Condensation img-original-415 img-original-415
Floors img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
Windows img-original-415 img-original-415
Doors, Door Surrounds, Skirtings, Picture Rails and Dado Rails img-original-415 img-original-415
Fireplaces, Flues and Chimney Breasts img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
Cellars and Basement Rooms img-original-415 img-original-415
Kitchen/Utility Rooms Layout and Fittings img-original-415 img-original-415
Bathrooms and Cloakrooms img-original-415 img-original-415
Storage Cupboards img-original-415
Stairs img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
Internal Decorations img-original-415 img-original-415
Dry Rot, Woodworm and Wet Rot img-original-415 img-original-415
Thermal and Noise Insulation img-original-415 img-original-415
Means of Escape from Fire and Security of the Property img-original-415 img-original-415
Dangerous Materials img-original-415 img-original-415
Attached Structures img-original-415 img-original-415
Services - Electricity, Gas, Hot and Cold Water, The Distribution Pipework img-original-415 img-original-415
Space Heating img-original-415 img-original-415
Outside Plumbing and Drainage img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
Garden Areas img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
Indicative Costings img-original-415 img-original-415
Recommended Additional Inspections, Specialist Surveys, Tests, Reports and Estimates img-original-415 img-original-415
Conclusion img-original-415 img-original-415 img-original-415
Observations and Comments img-original-415 img-original-415

Residential Survey Information

We have been undertaking residential surveys in the region for over three decades and have developed our bespoke and in depth survey formats over time.  

Originally under our Lightly & Lightly brand, and now as LHL Group we have been helping people to buy properties. 

We have a team RICS chartered surveys with over hundred combined years of experience. We are one of the regions longest standing and experienced residential surveying teams and this is reflected in the service we offer.

Buying a new home can be a daunting prospect – but the experienced surveyors at LHL are here to make the process as simple and trouble-free as possible.

If you are thinking of appointing a survey to undertake a residential survey on your behalf we recommend you consider the following points.

  • Will your survey be undertaken by a RICS Chartered Building Surveyor.
  • Will your surveyor be available to speak to you before and after the survey.
  • Will the surveyor spend sufficient time at the property to undertake a comprehensive inspection.
  • Will the survey report provide sufficient detail for you to make an informed decision.
  • Will your survey report provide budget costs for identifiable repairs.

With our LHL group residential surveys the answer to all the above points is yes. You should consider these points when obtaining quotes for your survey. 

We offer a wide range of home surveys including, LHL Group Full Building Survey, LHL Group Superstructure Survey, RICS HomeBuyers Surveys and Pre Purchase Appraisals.

We can also offer bespoke surveys to meet specific requirements and pull together a team of surveyors to survey larger properties with ancillary buildings. We are experienced and qualified to survey all ages and ranges of properties in both urban and rural settings.

Whether you are buying a two bedroom terrace house or a Listed 17th century country residence we can provide you with a survey.

Do you require a Residential Survey?

Operating from our centrally located UK offices in York, Hull and Harrogate, we are able to provide our services not just predominantly in Yorkshire but nationwide.

For an initial no-obligation quote for a Residential Survey, please complete our quotation form:

Quotation Form

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